Click on the Mapping a Movement heading to understand how to utilize these maps.
Each map details a "story" of Black life in Cleveland, Ohio. The story maps begin with visual representations of black populations and geolocation density. The second map explains how population and racialized residency overlap other areas of inequity, including: education, housing, and employment.
Teachers can use Social Explorer to create their own maps which demonstrate the changing nature of black communities over time.
EDUCATION: This map overlays black population areas with residents who have some college education or more. Note the dot concentration on map 2. What does this say about the educational access of Black Clevelanders?
HOUSING: This map highlights the locations of homes built in 1919 or earlier. The story map demonstrates that African American Clevelanders were forced to live in areas with the oldest homes. How did this occur?
UNEMPLOYMENT: This map notes the differences in employment levels. Black Clevelanders were limited in work due to discrimination.