Black Cleveland in 1970: Education, Poverty Rate, Unemployment

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Each map details a "story" of Black life in Cleveland, Ohio. The story maps begin with visual representations of black populations and geolocation density. The second map explains how population and racialized residency overlap other areas of inequity, including: education, housing, and employment. Teachers can use Social Explorer to also create their own maps that demonstrate the changing nature of black communities over time.

EDUCATION: Similar to the 1960 Census, 1970 lists residents with education college level and above. Once again, dot density illustrates communities with a higher education level while fewer dots show education levels which are less than college level.

POVERTY: In 1970, the U.S. Census begins to include poverty rate.

HOUSING: The Census removes categories related to housing deterioration and age. The housing category only includes rental average and owner/rental occupation information. Neither of these categories demonstrates the living CONDITION of African Americans in Cleveland. However, it does illustrate the difference by race of home ownership as illustrated by the map below.

EMPLOYMENT: Black Unemployment remains steadly two to three times higher than in the surrounding area.