

African American scholars endeavor to critically recognize, study, and communicate the black experience and its impact on the world.  The historical and cultural milieus in which they live and work require that scholarly production, community activism, and broad based audience education converge.  Wide dissemination and exhibition of historical ephemera, yet another aspect of public history work, also serves a similar function of public engagement. 

Although published and forthcoming works offer one path to spreading history about the black experience, I strongly advocate for community accessible scholarship.  Harambee City digital archives was created to provide access to documents used in the completion of the book.  The site embraces digital humanities as a location for intellectual production and exhibition for younger or older audiences who are not tied to universities or colleges, but who might want to understand black history without reading a lengthy manuscript.  It also extends beyond academic spaces in order to suggest different ways of thinking about how to produce and conceive of history’s uses.  It is my intent that CORE's history not fall into further irrelevance by requiring that those who want to know acquire funds, jargon, and patience; nor, do I wish anyone - scholars or layperson - to presume my synthesis is the only interpretation.  Hamarbee City digital archives is spread before the world for all to see, learn, enjoy, connect, utilize, and understand.

Maryland Freedom Union, the first of
several worker collectives in Baltimore.