Browse Items (39 total)

  • Collection: Antoine Perot's Briefcase
Daily accounting of meetings and persons Perot met while performing his duties as Cleveland CORE member and Regional Field Representative for CORE.

Chicago and Michigan chapter.JPG
Information on CORE chapters: including Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, East St. Louis and Indianapolis

Civic Center for Freedom 1.JPG
Funding proposal by Cleveland CORE to run freedom schools. It was a prototype project which would serve akin to after school or alternate school program.

Invisible walls 0 cover.JPG
Analysis of economic, political, and social issues hindering black equality in Cleveland Ohio. Speech is given by Ruth Turner at the City Club

constructive militancy0.JPG
Pamphlet published by CORE that outlines its platform on Black Power.

Genocide USA0.JPG
Documents the reasons why there should be black power. Particular attention is given to the various levels of oppression that Black Americans face in the country.

1968 CORE convention reg form.JPG
Letters, memos, registration forms, convention passes, and other materials related to CORE conventions from 1966 to 1968

Joyce Ware NE Reg CORE and Malcolm X1.JPG
Joyce Ware, Northeast Regional Field Representative for CORE writes a memorandum on Malcolm X's impact on CORE and the civil rights movement even after his death.

Urban coalition on CSD Bill1.JPG
This is a collection of documents related to economic development and the Community Self-Determination Bill. Materials include a report from Urban Coalition, press releases, a miscellaneous document related to income inequality, and a letter from…

RT on Pres Comm on Civil Disorder1.JPG
CORE's response to President's Commission on Civil Disorders. Highlights need to assert a stronger understanding of racism as a structural problem within the United States.