1967 | 1972 |
Hough Area Development Corporation formed through a collaboration of various black community leaders. Many were concerned about the distribution of recovery funds designated for revitalization of the Hough neighborhood after the 1966 Hough uprising. The group moved into black power activism and economic development in April 1967 when DeForest Brown, a social worker and civil rights activist, created a loose-knit organization whose mission was to ensure proper use of federal funds for urban renewal and poverty programs. Brown was joined by 40 other community leaders and black professionals – most of whom were connected to the Cleveland civil rights movement. They dubbed themselves “the machine”. What began as an informal discussion about community control of revitalization funds became a reality when the group met in 1967 at Lancer Steakhouse to formally create an economic development corporation with their own money. This caveat was a particularly important aspect of Hough Area Development Corporation (HADC) in that the organization’s initial goal was to be independent of outside influence. The co-founder DeForest Brown was selected as HADC’s executive director.
Franklin Anderson became the second head of Hough Area Development Corporation in April 1971. Anderson previously served as Cleveland CORE chairman and led the organization during its most militant period. Although Anderson was a founding member of “the machine,” now HADC, he left for Harvard Business School in September 1969 with the expectation that he would become Executive Director upon his return. He took over HADC after his graduation, and began his work in the Hough community.
More information on HADC and Franklin Anerson can be found in Laura Warren Hill and Julia Rabig edited volume The Business of Black Power: Community Development, Capitalism, and Corporate Responsibility in Postwar America. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
What do these two images convey?
Why might Frank Anderson choose to present himself two different ways?
Which persona do you think is the most effective and for whom?
Do you think the Ussery and Bean photo located on the home page communicates the same sentiment? How so, or Why not?