Browse Items (39 total)

  • Collection: Antoine Perot's Briefcase

racist natl anthem.JPG
Revised national anthem to reflect racist beliefs.

JF Natl Tribute4.JPG
Posthumous tribute to James Farmer and his accomplishments.

blk migration stats1.JPG
A review of black migration statistics and its effect on the urban environment.

Gv and Rcv Help1.JPG
A philosophical discussion on the process of giving and receiving help. Possibly, this circulated as an effort to improve the internal dynamics within CORE or as a personal reminder for Perot himself.

RT on Pres Comm on Civil Disorder1.JPG
CORE's response to President's Commission on Civil Disorders. Highlights need to assert a stronger understanding of racism as a structural problem within the United States.

Invisible walls 0 cover.JPG
Analysis of economic, political, and social issues hindering black equality in Cleveland Ohio. Speech is given by Ruth Turner at the City Club

Philly Redev Authority Contract1.JPG
Contract that allows Transcentury to serve as a bridge between the city and the community for the Southwest Development Area. Transcentury will help provide social welfare services

CORENCO news articles.pdf
The memorandum from Philip Carter to Will Ussery addresses the Leland Schubert contribution and notes that the Cleveland TCP will serve as a clearinghouse for all research on economic development. The second item is a memo from Jack Olive (a…

Philly Police Community Training Program1.JPG
Workshop outline for training Philadelphia Police on community relations

Muhammad Speaks June 24 1966 pg1.JPG
An article on Baltimore Target City Project. Discusses the Ku Klux Klan and its march through the black community. Explains how the black community no longer fears the Klan.