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  • Tags: Cleveland

Frank Anderson_01.mp3
Franklin Anderson discusses Cleveland CORE, Target City Project, black Power, and Cleveland community.

Stokes Brothers Law Office 1966 annoucement.JPG
Louis and Carl Stokes Office Opening Announcement

Puryear on CORENCO structure1.JPG
Newsletter outlining CORENCO/CORE efforts to partner with Warner & Swasey to bring manufacturing into the black community.

CORENCO Full Proposal.pdf
A proposal drafted by CORE to create the basis for a national community development corporation.

CORENCO news articles.pdf
The memorandum from Philip Carter to Will Ussery addresses the Leland Schubert contribution and notes that the Cleveland TCP will serve as a clearinghouse for all research on economic development. The second item is a memo from Jack Olive (a…

ford grant for negro business.JPG
Newspaper articles discuss income inequality and economic discrimination. Some discussion of Cleveland Target City Project and Ford Foundation assistance.

CORE balt and cleveland tcp pg1.JPG
Various documents which discuss both Cleveland and the Baltimore Target City Project. Memorandums and articles summarize youth programs, leadership training, job training, voter registration, and other TCP activities.