Browse Items (39 total)

  • Collection: Antoine Perot's Briefcase

article on political activism.JPG
A newspaper article on CORE's political engagement and black cultural fair

Puryear on CORENCO structure1.JPG
Newsletter outlining CORENCO/CORE efforts to partner with Warner & Swasey to bring manufacturing into the black community.

CORENCO Full Proposal.pdf
A proposal drafted by CORE to create the basis for a national community development corporation.

RT on Pres Comm on Civil Disorder1.JPG
CORE's response to President's Commission on Civil Disorders. Highlights need to assert a stronger understanding of racism as a structural problem within the United States.

ford grant for negro business.JPG
Newspaper articles discuss income inequality and economic discrimination. Some discussion of Cleveland Target City Project and Ford Foundation assistance.

Genocide USA0.JPG
Documents the reasons why there should be black power. Particular attention is given to the various levels of oppression that Black Americans face in the country.

Gv and Rcv Help1.JPG
A philosophical discussion on the process of giving and receiving help. Possibly, this circulated as an effort to improve the internal dynamics within CORE or as a personal reminder for Perot himself.

Invisible walls 0 cover.JPG
Analysis of economic, political, and social issues hindering black equality in Cleveland Ohio. Speech is given by Ruth Turner at the City Club

JF Natl Tribute4.JPG
Posthumous tribute to James Farmer and his accomplishments.

Stokes Brothers Law Office 1966 annoucement.JPG
Louis and Carl Stokes Office Opening Announcement