Browse Items (91 total)

Our Invisible Poor0JPG.JPG
A short information pamphlet on poverty in the United STates

Frank Anderson_01.mp3
Franklin Anderson discusses Cleveland CORE, Target City Project, black Power, and Cleveland community.

Anderson Tape 1.mp3
Early interest in CORE, Cleveland CORE - Chairman, Hough Area Development Corporation (HADC), political activities and Republican political background, black nationalism, Cleveland black power period. black economic development

Geroge Houser 2004 (1).wav
Houser covers his activism inside and outside of CORE. He reviews his early influences, early CORE sit-ins, 1940s Cleveland, Vanguard League, Black Power and white CORE members, and protests of South African apartheid..

McClaury and Aperovitz.mp3
Oral history interview on the Community Self Determination Bill, CORE, John McClaughry, and Gar Aperovitz.

Joyce Ware NE Reg CORE and Malcolm X1.JPG
Joyce Ware, Northeast Regional Field Representative for CORE writes a memorandum on Malcolm X's impact on CORE and the civil rights movement even after his death.

core people 1a.tif
images of CORE leaders and names of early members, including Lynn Coleman who played a role in the Euclid Park Riots

Juanita Nelson interview.mp3
History of CORE and Nelson's leadership of the Cleveland chapter, 1940s, Howard University and Pauli Murray, Life in Cleveland, Cincinnati CORE

ussery and bean website photo.jpeg
Image of Donald Bean (Cleveland Target City Project staff) and Will Ussery (CORENCO creator)

Stokes Brothers Law Office 1966 annoucement.JPG
Louis and Carl Stokes Office Opening Announcement