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Mapping Inequality introduces viewers to the records of the Home Owners Loan Corporation on a scale that is unprecedented. Visitors can browse over 150 interactive maps and roughly 5000 individual area descriptions to get a view of Depression-era…

Flug on MFU0.JPG
A brief history of Maryland Freedom Union - its creation and activities with CORE.

Strick to Staff no date1.JPG
CORE internal document and open letter from white liberal. The letter discusses the inability of many liberal whites to grapple with internal racism.

A similar community development corporation emerged in Michigan. The CDC ran businesses which employed local community people. The CDC also worked on housing access for low income residents.

Muhammad Speaks June 24 1966 pg1.JPG
An article on Baltimore Target City Project. Discusses the Ku Klux Klan and its march through the black community. Explains how the black community no longer fears the Klan.

CORENCO news articles.pdf
The memorandum from Philip Carter to Will Ussery addresses the Leland Schubert contribution and notes that the Cleveland TCP will serve as a clearinghouse for all research on economic development. The second item is a memo from Jack Olive (a…

Philly Police Community Training Program1.JPG
Workshop outline for training Philadelphia Police on community relations

Alice Huff.mp3
Alice Huffman discusses her time with Cleveland Target City and her subsequent interest in black power politics. Huffman also covers black political and economic power and the differences between CORE and groups like the Black Panther Party. There…