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two factor theory book cvr.JPG
Kelso's film on Second Income is broken down here into individual images. The full film is available under the audio/visual section of this website. An album also accompanies the film. Workshop leaders play the album and film together.

Second Income.mp3
Kelso explains his idea for a second income which will facilitate broad ownership and enhanced income.

Kelso explains his idea for a second income which will facilitate broad ownership and enhanced income.

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Mapping Inequality introduces viewers to the records of the Home Owners Loan Corporation on a scale that is unprecedented. Visitors can browse over 150 interactive maps and roughly 5000 individual area descriptions to get a view of Depression-era…

A similar community development corporation emerged in Michigan. The CDC ran businesses which employed local community people. The CDC also worked on housing access for low income residents.

Flug on MFU0.JPG
A brief history of Maryland Freedom Union - its creation and activities with CORE.

Chicago and Michigan chapter.JPG
Information on CORE chapters: including Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, East St. Louis and Indianapolis

1968 CORE convention reg form.JPG
Letters, memos, registration forms, convention passes, and other materials related to CORE conventions from 1966 to 1968

Urban coalition on CSD Bill1.JPG
This is a collection of documents related to economic development and the Community Self-Determination Bill. Materials include a report from Urban Coalition, press releases, a miscellaneous document related to income inequality, and a letter from…

ford grant for negro business.JPG
Newspaper articles discuss income inequality and economic discrimination. Some discussion of Cleveland Target City Project and Ford Foundation assistance.