Browse Items (91 total)

Flug on MFU0.JPG
A brief history of Maryland Freedom Union - its creation and activities with CORE.

Our Invisible Poor0JPG.JPG
A short information pamphlet on poverty in the United STates

Progress of the Am Negro0.JPG
Short summary of black progress from slavery to freedom.

Gv and Rcv Help1.JPG
A philosophical discussion on the process of giving and receiving help. Possibly, this circulated as an effort to improve the internal dynamics within CORE or as a personal reminder for Perot himself.

blk migration stats1.JPG
A review of black migration statistics and its effect on the urban environment.

JF Natl Tribute4.JPG
Posthumous tribute to James Farmer and his accomplishments.

Philly Police Community Training Program1.JPG
Workshop outline for training Philadelphia Police on community relations

racist natl anthem.JPG
Revised national anthem to reflect racist beliefs.

Stokes Brothers Law Office 1966 annoucement.JPG
Louis and Carl Stokes Office Opening Announcement