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  • Tags: black power

Constitutional Conv Minutes March 68 pg1.JPG
Minutes from Sub-Committee of CORE constitutional convention. Includes discussion on chapter resources, glossary of terms, Sunflower theory for black economic development, CORE debt, concern over "white funding", and restructuring CORE.

Muhammad Speaks June 24 1966 pg1.JPG
An article on Baltimore Target City Project. Discusses the Ku Klux Klan and its march through the black community. Explains how the black community no longer fears the Klan.

Strick to Staff no date1.JPG
CORE internal document and open letter from white liberal. The letter discusses the inability of many liberal whites to grapple with internal racism.

Flug on MFU0.JPG
A brief history of Maryland Freedom Union - its creation and activities with CORE.

Joyce Ware NE Reg CORE and Malcolm X1.JPG
Joyce Ware, Northeast Regional Field Representative for CORE writes a memorandum on Malcolm X's impact on CORE and the civil rights movement even after his death.

Genocide USA0.JPG
Documents the reasons why there should be black power. Particular attention is given to the various levels of oppression that Black Americans face in the country.

Frank Anderson_01.mp3
Franklin Anderson discusses Cleveland CORE, Target City Project, black Power, and Cleveland community.

article on political activism.JPG
A newspaper article on CORE's political engagement and black cultural fair

1968 CORE convention reg form.JPG
Letters, memos, registration forms, convention passes, and other materials related to CORE conventions from 1966 to 1968