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  • Tags: community organizing

Philly Police Community Training Program1.JPG
Workshop outline for training Philadelphia Police on community relations

Our Invisible Poor0JPG.JPG
A short information pamphlet on poverty in the United STates

RT edit TP Eco Dev Statement.JPG
This document outlines the basis for CORE's request to take black power to its next phase. The document was written by Antoine Perot and edited by Ruth (Turner) Perot

Philly Redev Authority Contract1.JPG
Contract that allows Transcentury to serve as a bridge between the city and the community for the Southwest Development Area. Transcentury will help provide social welfare services

blk migration stats1.JPG
A review of black migration statistics and its effect on the urban environment.

two factor theory book cvr.JPG
Kelso's film on Second Income is broken down here into individual images. The full film is available under the audio/visual section of this website. An album also accompanies the film. Workshop leaders play the album and film together.

youth leadership training perot pg1.JPG
Second draft proposal submitted by Antoine Perot and Dan Deweese. The youth leadership training funding proposal was a project by CORE designed to move from Baltimore Target City to a national program.