CORE just joined with fellows from the Harvard Kennedy Institute of Politics to create legislation for a National community development corporation. These fellows, Gar Alperovitz and John McClaughry, represent two sides of the political spectrum.
Harvard Kennedy Institute of Politics Fellow, GAR ALPEROVITZ, Anti-Vietnam War and civil rights supporter. Image from Pluralist Commonwealth site. | Harvard Kennedy Institute of Politics Fellow - JOHN MCCLAUGHRY, Republican aide to Nixon and Reagan, admirer of Newark Black Power Conference organizer Nathan Wright |
The bill is quite comprehensive and designed to increase the number of local economic development groups. It becomes known as the Community Self Determination Bill.
They work for two years to get it passed but there is opposition from other civil rights groups, some memers of the Nixon Administration, and some Congressmen. Will you continue to work with CORE while it negotiates with these key players for support?
YES! Keep going. We have to change the economic structure holding the black community down.
NO! This is going to take too long. What will happen to the black community while CORE waits?