Congratulations! National CORE selected your city for economic development. They call it a Target City Project. They will utilize every resource it can for Cleveland Target City. Additionally, the project just received a new name, titled Harambee City. Your first project will establish a non-profit organization for economic development, which national calls CORE Incorporated or CORENCO. CORENCO is a community development corporation designed to facilitate group ownership of businesses. It seeks to broaden capitalism and allow for wealth building even among the poor.

ussery and bean website photo.jpeg
CORE members Don Bean and Will Ussery, CORENCO staff
3fe893a626725217549e078979866185.jpgCORENCO Proposal

The project generated much interest but not the financial backing it needed.  Local businesses, foundations, and private entities declined to give CORENCO any assistance.  National CORE will now seek more assistance through the national government. 

YES!  I’ve come this far and I won’t stop now.  The federal government created and aided racial inequality in housing and employment.  They should help to end it.

NO! Economic development is a local concern.  I don’t trust Richard Nixon’s administration to help local black communities.